
They say that when you have adhesions, they only hurt if you eat, drink, sleep, move or breath………
I would agree with that today!!

The worst thing about the illness is that you never know when it’s gonna rear its ugly head? So the fact I’ve had a good few weeks ( for an ARD sufferer that is ), I’m not impressed that today is not one of those times!!

Stress is never good for anything, but I have found that it’s especially unhelpful in adhesions. I’m quite a tense person……in a body sense. I can always feel how tight I am and have to remind myself to relax. This is just on a normal day for me! It would make sense then, that when you have any other kind of added pressure, its your body that bares the brunt of it…..and in my case my abdomen and pelvis.
After a pretty stressful afternoon and evening yesterday, I woke up this morning to the feeling that my whole abdomen had been stretched! To be honest, this is normally the case, but today, after taking my pain relief and moving about a bit, it hasn’t eased off 😦

It’s so hard to describe the feeling to someone who hasn’t felt it but I’ll give it a go anyway; Imagine you were to wake up and your legs had fused together. Not so much that you couldn’t move them at all, but enough that when you try pulling them apart, you can feel them ripping……..yeah not nice!!!
The internal organs are designed to move about freely in your body, but having adhesions restricts that movement and fuses them together and other body parts. This in turn causes the ‘ripping’ when you move or when the organs have to move, ie due to general body functions.

So anyway, my plan for this morning was to go to the gym. Normally I could handle a certain amount of ‘tightness’ but not when it’s like this ( I’ll be doing a separate blog on Exercise and ARD later on in the week ). That put me at a loss, cause I hadn’t actually worked out what my plans were for after the gym.
Instead I have spent the day trying not to move, trying not to breath and generally trying not to do anything that will make the pain worse……and it’s typical that its blue skies and sunshine outside! If i had a garden I probably wouldn’t mind as much but I don’t, so I’m stuck in my little flat, feeling decidedly sorry for myself!
Anyone who says that they are constantly strong, that they tackle it head on with constant positivity is LYING!!!!! I’m sorry but you can’t deal with every illness or such like without having some episodes of negativity and feeling like ‘woe is me’. We wouldn’t be human if that was the case.

Now the day’s halfway through, and I’m slowly getting some slight relief ( thank god as I need to go get food and toilet roll!!! )
Needless to say, though, that this day has been a right off! Let’s hope tomorrows a better one……and that the sun’s still shining!

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